Live.  Love.  Work.  Confidently

Calling all professional working mothers! Reclaim balance, fulfillment, and purpose. The Sisu Coaching team will guide you to conquer work/life guilt, burnout, career biases, and more.

Discover your strengths, values, and skills, crafting a life-aligned career. Learn to say no to what doesn't serve you, making time for your passions.

Backed by 20+ years of research and rooted in positive psychology, ACT, and the Future of Work, we'll help you succeed, transforming you into a confident, empowered professional.

Write your awesome label here.

Fits All Schedules

Time Chunking
Various Types of Programs

Immediate Results

Design and Deploy Tactics
Career Blueprint Worksheet

Industry Assessments

VIA Character Strengths
Value Priorities
Canadian Work Preferences

Expert Coach Support

Moderated Communities
Peer Involvement
Coaching Memberships


Don't hesitate

Take your career and expertise to the
next level!

Our students are living better lives 

Identifying how to use my strengths and confidently saying no when necessary, I was made a choice to change roles that truly match my life plan. I have the time to be there for my kids AND freedom to focus on my career without the guilt.
Megan H, Finance Director
Working with Carrie and her programs through group and 1:1 coaching, I honed my skills to leverage my strengths and learned to confidently say no when needed. This newfound confidence allowed me to make choices that align with my life plan.

I appreciate the flexibility these programs provide to build in my already crazy schedule.
Sarah J, Sr. Marketing Manager
As a woman juggling a demanding career as a Finance Director and a busy sports family, I felt overwhelmed and stressed daily. I used to feel a sense of sacrifice when focusing on my career and guilt when I needed to prioritize my family.

I focused on my strategic strengths to identify what I really wanted out of life and this increased my confidence in saying no when necessary - That was a game changer - I feel more in control creating the life I know I deserve.
Nina R - Sr. IT Manager

Benefits of our programs

#1 Designed Based on Real-Life Scenarios

Experience the practical edge with courses designed based on real-life scenarios, ensuring you gain valuable skills for success.

#2 Backed by Industry Research

Backed by 20+ years of research and rooted in positive psychology, ACT, and the Future of Work, Sisu Synergy empowers you to achieve the compensation you deserve while nurturing your personal life.

#3 Flexible Learning Options

Discover our flexible learning options, from self-paced to live sessions, group coaching, and lifetime access memberships, tailored to your needs.

#4 Relevant Resources

Access a wealth of relevant resources, from industry white papers and guided journals to checklists and worksheets, empowering your learning journey.

#5 Immediate Results

Experience immediate results with our program, crafting your Career Blueprint from day one, identifying strengths, values, and action plans for growth.

#6 Flexible payment options

Choose the perfect plan for you with our flexible payment options, including monthly membership, one-time fees, and convenient monthly payments for larger programs.

Frequently asked questions

Are your courses regularly updated?

Yes!  Our school is committed to creating and continuously improving effective learning resources.

What if I have more questions that are not answered here? 

Please, send your questions to and we will respond as soon as possible.

Let us notify you of ways to build your career

Thank you!
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